"The objective of the Brazilian Journal of Empirical Legal Studies is to bring together and strengthen the legal research community who carries out research on tangible manifestations of the law. It is a matter of creating a forum for dialogue and debate, very much in line with what the Brazilian Network of Empirical Legal Research have been developing since 2011." (excerpt of the first issue's editor's letter, 2014)
The project reflected the big amount of content dealt by law researchers. It also relies only on typographic solutions, since the acquisition of images was not included in the network's budget. The idea of exploring different color palettes per issue, just keeping the light beige and gray as a common feature, was to bring a touch of modernity among the publications on the Law field.
The Brazilian Journal of Empirical Legal
Studies is a fully digital publication that can be found on the REED's website (here).
The project reflected the big amount of content dealt by law researchers. It also relies only on typographic solutions, since the acquisition of images was not included in the network's budget. The idea of exploring different color palettes per issue, just keeping the light beige and gray as a common feature, was to bring a touch of modernity among the publications on the Law field.
The Brazilian Journal of Empirical Legal
Studies is a fully digital publication that can be found on the REED's website (here).

Vertical variation of the logotypes composition with the first issue color palette.

Horizontal variation of the logotypes composition with the first issue color palette.

Covers for issues 1(#1), 2(#1) and 3(#1).

Pages examples.