Firefly is my final project for the Design undergrad course of the University of São Paulo (FAU-USP). It's an application designed to help entrepreneurs to find new contacts in network events, providing them with information regarding skills and professional background of the attendees.
The APP uses the LinkedIn API to import such information and help users to fill up their profile. It's uniqueness resides in its compass-like interface, that indicates where the people of interest are during the event; it's also in the capability of blending another user's skills with your own, helping you and your contacts to indicate each other and meet new people.
This project involved user research, UI/UX development and visual identity design.
The full .pdf version can be found here (portuguese only).
The APP uses the LinkedIn API to import such information and help users to fill up their profile. It's uniqueness resides in its compass-like interface, that indicates where the people of interest are during the event; it's also in the capability of blending another user's skills with your own, helping you and your contacts to indicate each other and meet new people.
This project involved user research, UI/UX development and visual identity design.
The full .pdf version can be found here (portuguese only).

First sketches of the application.

Studies for the final version of the symbol.

Firefly's final logotype with symbol.

Brand's color test.

Main screens of the application: from the left, compass with the attendees, search drawer and the user's network linking the attendees of the events.

User's profile screens and contacts list.

From the left, another attendee profile screen, analytics of the event and lastest activities.